Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hello Dear Reader,
I have to apologize. I still have a lot more to write about Grandpa (Wesley Carol) and Grandma (Mary Hall) Carter. I have lots of pictures to post and more events I hope you will find interesting. Getting started in a new semester has been difficult for me. I find myself spinning my wheels a lot but since I already have a grade for this blog it is not top on my list of priorities right now.

I'm hoping things will settle down this week. Sometimes I can post a lot at one time and then just have the posts appear on schedule. Don't give up on me yet. I will see what I can do. If it becomes too difficult I will take a hiatus for a while. But I think it will be ok.
Aunt Genni

1 comment:

sbmitchell said...

Dear Aunt Genni,
Love your site. Don't know how you do it all anyway. Good luck with your classes. Don't run faster than you have the strenth . . . we'll wait. Your enteries are worth waiting for.