Friday, January 30, 2009

Straw Ticks

Hello Dear Reader,
Today I am going to tell you a little about Grandpa (Wesley) Carter. Wes was born in Eureka, Juab County, Utah December 25, 1917, where his father was a hard rock miner, a farmer, and a store clerk. When Wes was 9 months old the family moved to Provo so that his mother (Annie B. Carter) could take care of his invalid grandmother (Mary L. Blake). They moved into a small three room house on Grandpa Blake’s farm at 950 West 500 North. There were 7 children at the time and it is impossible to know how so many managed to sleep under such crowded conditions. Wes remembered that at threshing time his mother, Annie, would fill large sewed bags with straw for their beds. These were call straw ticks. He thought it was great fun to jump from the top of the bedstead onto these huge bulging straw ticks. He was a busy, active, little boy. More next time.
Aunt Genni

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