Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hello Dear Reader,
When July 10th finally rolled around, LeAnn and I were happy to be going to Scotland. It was an exciting summer for the family as we were able to travel extensively in Scotland and Ireland. Also, there were rumors going around that President David O. McKay, the prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints would be traveling to Scotland in the near future to organize the first stake there. However, I had only been there a short time when I received a call as a Church Building Missionary to work in the London office in North Cheam.

The whole family traveled down to deliver me to my new "digs". We stopped in North Hampton where we stayed with the Jensens, the supervisor and wife of the building there. We were able to spend the afternoon and evening at Stratford Upon Avon and went to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre where we all thoroughly enjoyed A Midsummer's Night Dream. I think one of the reasons it was so enjoyable was because, by then, we were thoroughly familiar with the accent and understood what was going on. Billy's infectious laughter pleased the audience and we weren't sure if they were laughing at the play or with him.
Aunt Genni

p.s. This is a picture of Anne Hathaway's cottage--she was Shakespeare's wife.

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