Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Hello Dear Reader,

Henry was a great hunting dog and Grandpa (Wes) Carter enjoyed hunting very much. His favorite thing to hunt was pheasant although he sometimes hunted quail; Grandpa was an expert shot with the rifle. He especially enjoyed hunting with Kent, his oldest son, who was also an expert shot. Grandpa said, "When I [went] hunting with Kent . . . we never had any trouble getting our limit of birds. A good companion and a good dog traveling through the fields pheasant hunting has been one of the most [enjoyable] experiences of my lilfe." Many friends and relatives welcomed the opportunity to go hunting with Grandpa and his dog, Henry.

Henry didn't always find favor with Grandma (Mary) though. One time he pulled all the clean clothes off the neighbors clothesline much to Grandma's embarassment. She considered him big and awkward but she forgave him after he led Grandpa and her to Billy.
Aunt Genni

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