Friday, July 30, 2010

Journey's Eve

Hello Dear Reader,
The last few days we spent in America were interesting but filled with stress. Grandpa (Wesley) Carter had to finish building a storage shed to hold our belongings. The task was not easy considering he had two broken fingers.

Grandma (Mary) only wanted to spend time with Carol and her new baby. Baby Scott was Grandma and Grandpa's first grandchild. He had been born August 27. Grandma always adored babies so you can imagine how hard it was for her to leave Carol and this little one who was just over two weeks old.

On September 13, with our bags all packed we went to spend the night at Grandma (Caroline) Hall's house. Things had come together like clockwork and the new renters were in the process of moving into our house. Curfew was early that night as we were to leave for the airport early the next morning. We didn't sleep well that night but we had no idea what a life-changing experience we were in for.
Aunt Genni

1 comment:

Anne said...

I can't wait to hear more!