Saturday, July 24, 2010

Officially Called

Hello Dear Readers,
The official call to "Brother and Sister Carter," arrived on July 21, 1961 and was signed by the counselors in the first presidency of the Church, J. Reuben Clark Jr. and Henry D. Moyle. The letter said in part, "We therefore call you to this service in England, and extend to you in advance our sincere appreciation for your willingness to so serve. You will labor under the direction of the supervisor of building construction, who will give you specific assignments for your labors, and make provision for your housing while you are so engaged. The Church will provide transportation for you to and from England, and also arrange for a limited and stipulated expense allowance while you are engaged in these building activities.

"Please be assured that you have our confidence, our commendation, and our blessing in this important undertaking for the advancement of our Father's Kimgdom in the part of the world to which you are to go. We promise you a great rewarding satisfaction for your faithful labors."

The Carter family were about to embark upon a great adventure.
Aunt Genni

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